
Chapter 9, Verse 9


न च मां तानि कर्माणि निबध्नन्ति धनञ्जय। उदासीनवदासीनमसक्तं तेषु कर्मसु।।9.9।।


na cha māṁ tāni karmāṇi nibadhnanti dhanañjaya udāsīna-vad āsīnam asaktaṁ teṣhu karmasu

Word Meanings

na—none; cha—as; mām—me; tāni—those; karmāṇi—actions; nibadhnanti—bind; dhanañjaya—Arjun, conqueror of wealth; udāsīna-vat—as neutral; āsīnam—situated; asaktam—detached; teṣhu—those; karmasu—actions

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In English by Swami Adidevananda

But these actions do not bind Me, O Arjuna, for I remain detached from them, as if I were unconcerned.

In English by Swami Sivananda

These acts do not bind Me, O Arjuna, sitting as one indifferent, unattached to those acts.

In Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdas

।।9.9।। हे धनञ्जय ! उन (सृष्टि-रचना आदि) कर्मोंमें अनासक्त और उदासीनकी तरह रहते हुए मेरेको वे कर्म नहीं बाँधते।

CommentariesNote: ? replaced by , character. More Info

In English by Swami Sivananda

9.9 न not, च and, माम् Me, तानि these, कर्माणि acts, निबध्नन्ति bind, धनञ्जय O Dhananjaya, उदासीनवत् like one indifferent, आसीनम् sitting, असक्तम् unattached, तेषु in those, कर्मसु acts.Commentary These acts Creation and dissolution of the universe. I am the only cause of dissolution of the universe. I am the only cause of Nature and its activities and yet, being indifferent to everythin, I do nothing. Nor do I cause anything to be done.I remain as one neutral or indifferent or unconcerned. I have no attachment for the fruits of those actions. Further I have not go the egoistic feeling of agency I do this. I know that the Self is actionless. Therefore the actions involved in creation and dissolution do not bind Me.As in the case of Isvara so in the case of others also the absence of the egoistic feeling of agency and the absense of attachment to the fruits of action is the cause of freedom (from Dharma and Adharma, virtue and evil) The ignorant man who works with egoism and who expects rewards for his action is bound by his own actions like the silkworm in the cocoon.Just as the neutral referee or umpire in a cricket or football match is not affected by the victory or defeat of the parties, so also the Lord is not affected by the creation and destruction of this world as He remains unconcerned or indifferent and as He is a silent and changeless witness. (Cf.IV.14)

In Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdas

।।9.9।। व्याख्या--'उदासीनवदासीनमसक्तं तेषु कर्मसु'--महासर्गके आदिमें प्रकृतिके परवश हुए प्राणियोंकी उनके कर्मोंके अनुसार विविध प्रकारसे रचनारूप जो कर्म है, उसमें मेरी आसक्ति नहीं है। कारण कि मैं उनमें उदासीनकी तरह रहता हूँ अर्थात् प्राणियोंके उत्पन्न होनेपर मैं हर्षित नहीं होता और उनके प्रकृतिमें लीन होनेपर मैं खिन्न नहीं होता।यहाँ 'उदासीनवत्' पदमें जो 'वत्'(वति) प्रत्यय है, उसका अर्थ तरह होता है अतः इस पदका अर्थ हुआ -- उदासीनकी तरह। भगवान्ने अपनेको उदासीनकी तरह क्यों कहा, कारण कि मनुष्य उसी वस्तुसे उदासीन होता है, जिस वस्तुकी वह सत्ता मानता है। परन्तु जिस संसारकी उत्पत्ति, स्थिति और प्रलय होता है, उसकी भगवान्के सिवाय कोई स्वतन्त्र सत्ता ही नहीं है। इसलिये भगवान् उस संसारकी रचनारूप कर्मसे उदासीन क्या रहें, वे तो उदासीनकी तरह रहते हैं; क्योंकि भगवान्की दृष्टिमें संसारकी कोई सत्ता ही नहीं है। तात्पर्य है कि वास्तवमें यह सब भगवान्का ही स्वरूप है, इनकी स्वतन्त्र सत्ता है ही नहीं, तो अपने स्वरूपसे भगवान् क्या उदासीन रहें, इसलिये भगवान् उदासीनकी तरह हैं।