
Chapter 9, Verse 13


महात्मानस्तु मां पार्थ दैवीं प्रकृतिमाश्रिताः। भजन्त्यनन्यमनसो ज्ञात्वा भूतादिमव्ययम्।।9.13।।


mahātmānas tu māṁ pārtha daivīṁ prakṛitim āśhritāḥ bhajantyananya-manaso jñātvā bhūtādim avyayam

Word Meanings

mahā-ātmānaḥ—the great souls; tu—but; mām—me; pārtha—Arjun, the son of Pritha; daivīm prakṛitim—divine energy; āśhritāḥ—take shelter of; bhajanti—engage in devotion; ananya-manasaḥ—with mind fixed exclusively; jñātvā—knowing; bhūta—all creation; ādim—the origin; avyayam—imperishable

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In English by Swami Adidevananda

But the great-souled ones, O Arjuna, who are associated with My divine nature, worship Me with an unwavering mind, knowing Me to be the immutable source of all beings.

In English by Swami Sivananda

But the great souls, O Arjuna, partaking of My divine nature, worship Me with a single-minded devotion, knowing Me as the imperishable source of all beings.

In Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdas

।।9.13।। परन्तु हे पृथानन्दन ! दैवी प्रकृतिके आश्रित अनन्यमनवाले महात्मालोग मुझे सम्पूर्ण प्राणियोंका आदि और अविनाशी समझकर मेरा भजन करते हैं।

CommentariesNote: ? replaced by , character. More Info

In English by Swami Sivananda

9.13 महात्मानः great souls, तु but, माम् Me, पार्थ O Partha, दैवीम् divine, प्रकृतिम् nature, आश्रिताः refuged (in), भजन्ति worship, अनन्यमनसः with a mind devoted to nothing else, ज्ञात्वा having known, भूतादिम् the source of beings, अव्ययम् imperishable.Commentary Jnatva Bhutadimavyayam There is another interpretation -- knowing Me to be the source or the origin of beings and imperishable.Daivim Prakritim Divine or Sattvic nature. Those who are endowed with divine nature, and who possess selfrestraint, mercy, faith, purity, etc.Mahatmanah Or, the highsouled ones are those whose pure minds have been made by Me, as My special abode. I dwell in the pure minds of the highsouled ones. They have sincere devotion to Me. Those who possess divine Sattvic nature, who are endowed with a pure mind, and who have knowledge of the Self are Mahatmas.Bhutas All living beings, as well as the five elements.

In Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdas

।।9.13।। व्याख्या--'महात्मानस्तु मां पार्थ दैवीं प्रकृतिमाश्रिताः'--पूर्वश्लोकमें जिन आसुरी, राक्षसी और मोहिनी स्वभावके आश्रित मूढ़लोगोंका वर्णन किया था, उनसे दैवी-सम्पत्तिके आश्रित महात्माओंकी विलक्षणता बतानेके लिये ही यहाँ 'तु' पद आया है।