
Chapter 11, Verse 8


न तु मां शक्यसे द्रष्टुमनेनैव स्वचक्षुषा। दिव्यं ददामि ते चक्षुः पश्य मे योगमैश्वरम्।।11.8।।


na tu māṁ śhakyase draṣhṭum anenaiva sva-chakṣhuṣhā divyaṁ dadāmi te chakṣhuḥ paśhya me yogam aiśhwaram

Word Meanings

na—not; tu—but; mām—me; śhakyase—you can; draṣhṭum—to see; anena—with these; eva—even; sva-chakṣhuṣhā—with your physical eyes; divyam—divine; dadāmi—I give; te—to you; chakṣhuḥ—eyes; paśhya—behold; me—my; yogam aiśhwaram—majestic opulence

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In English by Swami Adidevananda

But you will not be able to see Me with your own eyes. I give you a divine eye, so behold My Lordly Yoga!

In English by Swami Sivananda

But you are not able to behold Me with these your own eyes; I give you the divine eye; behold My lordly Yoga.

In Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdas

।।11.8।। परन्तु तू अपनी इस आँखसे अर्थात् चर्मचक्षुसे मेरेको देख ही नहीं सकता, इसलिये मैं तुझे दिव्य चक्षु देता हूँ, जिससे तू मेरी ईश्वर-सम्बन्धी सामर्थ्यको देख।

CommentariesNote: ? replaced by , character. More Info

In English by Swami Sivananda

11.8 न not, तु but, माम् Me, शक्यसे (thou) canst, द्रष्टुम् to see, अनेन with this, एव even, स्वचक्षुषा with own eyes, दिव्यम् divine, ददामि (I) give, ते (to) thee, चक्षुः the eye, पश्य behold, मे My, योगम् Yoga, ऐश्वरम् lordly.Commentary No fleshly eyes can behold Me in My Cosmic Form. One can see It through the divine eye or the eye of intuition. It should not be confused with seeing through the eye or the mind. It is an inner experience.Lord Krishna says to Arjuna I give thee the divine eye, by which you will be able to behold My sovereign form. By it see My marvellous power of Yoga.Anena With this the fleshly eye or the physical eye, the earthly eye. (Cf.VII.25IX.5X.7)

In Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdas

।।11.8।। व्याख्या--'न तु मां शक्यसे द्रष्टुमनेनैव स्वचक्षुषा'--तुम्हारे जो चर्मचक्षु हैं, इनकी शक्ति बहुत अल्प और सीमित है। प्राकृत होनेके कारण ये चर्मचक्षु केवल प्रकृतिके तुच्छ कार्यको ही देख सकते हैं अर्थात् प्राकृत मनुष्य, पशु, पक्षी आदिके रूपोंको, उनके भेदोंको तथा धूप-छाया आदिके रूपोंको ही देख सकते हैं। परन्तु वे मन-बुद्धि-इन्द्रियोंसे अतीत मेरे रूपको नहीं देख सकते।