
Chapter 11, Verse 14


ततः स विस्मयाविष्टो हृष्टरोमा धनञ्जयः। प्रणम्य शिरसा देवं कृताञ्जलिरभाषत।।11.14।।


tataḥ sa vismayāviṣhṭo hṛiṣhṭa-romā dhanañjayaḥ praṇamya śhirasā devaṁ kṛitāñjalir abhāṣhata

Word Meanings

tataḥ—then; saḥ—he; vismaya-āviṣhṭaḥ—full of wonder; hṛiṣhṭa-romā—with hair standing on end; dhanañjayaḥ—Arjun, the conqueror of wealth; praṇamya—bow down; śhirasā—with (his) head; devam—the Lord; kṛita-añjaliḥ—with folded hands; abhāṣhata—he addressed

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In English by Swami Adidevananda

Then, Arjuna, overcome with amazement, his hairs standing on end, bowed his head to the Lord and spoke with folded hands.

In English by Swami Sivananda

Then, Arjuna, filled with wonder and his hair standing on end, bowed his head to the God and spoke with palms joined.

In Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdas

।।11.14।। भगवान् के विश्वरूपको देखकर अर्जुन बहुत चकित हुए और आश्चर्यके कारण उनका शरीर रोमाञ्चित हो गया। वे हाथ जोड़कर विश्वरूप देवको मस्तकसे प्रणाम करके बोले।

CommentariesNote: ? replaced by , character. More Info

In English by Swami Sivananda

11.14 ततः then, सः he, विस्मयाविष्टः filled with wonder, हृष्टरोमा with hair standing on end, धनञ्जयः Arjuna, प्रणम्य having prostrated, शिरसा with (his) head, देवम् the God, कृताञ्जलिः with joined palms, अभाषत spoke.Commentary Tatah Then, having seen the Cosmic Form.Arjuna joined his palms in order to do prostration to the Cosmic Form. The great hero had attained true humility which the bowed head and joined palms represented, and which is the essential ingredient of devotion.

In Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdas

।।11.14।। व्याख्या--ततः स विस्मयाविष्टो हृष्टरोमा धनञ्जयः--अर्जुनने भगवान्के रूपके विषयमें जैसी कल्पना भी नहीं की थी, वैसा रूप देखकर उनको बड़ा आश्चर्य हुआ। भगवान्ने मेरेपर कृपा करके विलक्षण आध्यात्मिक बातें अपनी ओरसे बतायीं और अब कृपा करके मेरेको अपना विलक्षण रूप दिखा रहे हैं-- इस बातको लेकर अर्जुन प्रसन्नताके कारण रोमाञ्चित हो उठे।