
Chapter 11, Verse 40


नमः पुरस्तादथ पृष्ठतस्ते नमोऽस्तु ते सर्वत एव सर्व। अनन्तवीर्यामितविक्रमस्त्वं सर्वं समाप्नोषि ततोऽसि सर्वः।।11.40।।


namaḥ purastād atha pṛiṣhṭhatas te namo ’stu te sarvata eva sarva ananta-vīryāmita-vikramas tvaṁ sarvaṁ samāpnoṣhi tato ’si sarvaḥ

Word Meanings

namaḥ—offering salutations; purastāt—from the front; atha—and; pṛiṣhṭhataḥ—the rear; te—to you; namaḥ astu—I offer my salutations; te—to you; sarvataḥ—from all sides; eva—indeed; sarva—all; ananta-vīrya—infinite power; amita-vikramaḥ—infinite valor and might; tvam—you; sarvam—everything; samāpnoṣhi—pervade; tataḥ—thus; asi—(you) are; sarvaḥ—everything

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In English by Swami Adidevananda

Corrected: (a) Salutations to You from before and behind! Salutations to You from all sides, O All!৷৷. (b) ৷৷. O You of infinite prowess and heroic action, which are measureless! You pervade all beings, and therefore, You are all.

In English by Swami Sivananda

Salutations to You in front and behind! Salutations to You on every side! O All! You, infinite in power and prowess, pervade all; therefore You are all.

In Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdas

।।11.40।। हे सर्व ! आपको आगेसे भी नमस्कार हो !  पीछेसे भी नमस्कार हो ! सब ओरसे ही नमस्कार हो ! हे अनन्तवीर्य ! अमित विक्रमवाले आपने सबको समावृत कर रखा है; अतः सब कुछ आप ही हैं।

CommentariesNote: ? replaced by , character. More Info

In English by Swami Sivananda

11.40 नमः salutation, पुरस्तात् (from) front, अथ also, पृष्ठतः (from) behind, ते to Thee, नमः salutation, अस्तु be, ते to Thee, सर्वतः on every side, एव even, सर्व O all, अनन्तवीर्य infinite power, अमितविक्रमः infinite in prowess, त्वम् Thou, सर्वम् all, समाप्नोषि pervadest, ततः wherefore, असि (Thou) art, सर्वः all.Commentary The words I prostrate myself before Thee, behind Thee and on every side indicate the allpervading nature of the Lord. How can the allpervading Self have front and back Finite objects only have front and back sides Arjuna imagined that there were front and back sides to the Lord and so prostrated himself in his extreme faith and devotion.O All Nothing exists without Thee. As the Self is allpervading, He is called the All. There is nothing except the Self.On every side, as Thou art present everywhere or in all arters.One may be powerful but may not possess the courage to kill the enemies or he may be endowed with a mild form of courge but the Lord is infinite in courage and infinite in power.Pervadest by Thy One Self.

In Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdas

।।11.40।। व्याख्या--'नमः पुरस्तादथ पृष्ठतस्ते नमोऽस्तु ते सर्वत एव सर्व'--अर्जुन भयभीत हैं। मैं क्या बोलूँ-- यह उनकी समझमें नहीं आ रहा है। इसलिये वे आगेसे, पीछेसे सब ओरसे अर्थात् दसों दिशाओंसे केवल नमस्कारहीनमस्कार कर रहे हैं।